fredag 15 mars 2013


The american is getting fatter
  • Junk food is very popular.
  • In these days the size of the ’‘junk food’’ is became bigger.
  • It is more calories in the bigger size.
  • Children spend a lot of time in front of the tv and video games.
  • If you are overweight is it hard to breathe.
  • If you are overweight is it also very hard to walk.
  • Chicken Mc-nuggets are twice as much fat as a hamburger. 
  • If you are overweight you will take a lot of place.
  • You need to have bigger size on your clothes than before.
  • some people isn’t responsible about what they eat.

and many unhealthy things. They drink coke or soda. And in school in Sweden we only eat normal food like pasta and the other day potato and vegetables. We only drink water or milk. We use to eat many lot’s of different things every day but not unhealthy food. 

All kids in the world maybe eat much at their own home when they come back from school. They maybe eat and eat and watch movies, play games, sleep and then they became fatter and fatter. When they get fatter and fatter they will be more hungry than before so they eat again. And it will end up like a fat kid.

It maybe will change about 15 years. It will maybe be worse. But i think it will change and be better. They will realize that many people die because they eat to much and became fatter. So they will maybe think like this: ’’oh no people die because of bad food, so we will quit bad food and open good food’’. Or something like that..

about the movie:

red hat: It was really diskusting and i was feeling like ’‘omg, i can’t eat this thing anymore’’. And how the heck did they do chicken nuggets? i was feeling really ill.

yellow hat: The great thing was also that they did the movie to show other people ’’what can happen to you if you eat to much’’. It was like a warning that people who don’t think about what they eat. 

black hat: In the movie the doctors said that he would die if he keeps eating ’‘junk food’’. But he continued to eat, and i was like ’‘what?!? how can he eat if the doctor said that he will die if he keeps eating that thing’’. 

green hat: In the future it will maybe slow down with this eating and come up with good food. I think so because in the end they will se how bad it really was. But it can also be worse or be like it is now, cause the mcdondals only think about their money so they will maybe keep this up.

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