onsdag 30 oktober 2013


We know where you live

After a fiew hours she woke up. And her phone was ringing but she didn’t answer it. Instead she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her little stepsister, Patricia was there. They said ’’hi’’ to each other and Emma started to feel that something wasn’t right. 

- Well how have you been ’’big’’ sister’’ asked Patricia.
- well...good’’, said Emma and looked up in Patricias face.
- Big sister you don’t have to pretend that you are fine, because i know that you’re sad.
- Non of your business, so don’t even try to pretend that you care
- Sister, even if you are my stepsister you can tell me everything.
- Well, do you want to go and shop with me?
- Sure, she said with a smile.

Emma and Patricia got home at 5 o clock. And they went to the kitchen to try the new number that Emma bought for herself. Emma ran up to her room and took her phone. Her smile was big and she was suddenly happy. 

- So whats's your number? did Patricia ask.
Well, of course you gonna have it little sister, said Emma with a blink in her eye.
Just got to get my phone, I’ll be right back!
- Well write it down, 0..7...2...632 and 419
- Thanks, did Patricia say and walked out to the living room.

Emma couldn’t ask for Patricias phonenumber because she was already gone.

The time passed and it was already late. It was time to sleep. And at that time, Emma slowly walked to Patricias room and wanted to ask about Patricias phonenumber but she was asleep.

Next day Emma woke up at 7 pm in the morning when she got a text. In the text it stood ’’I hate you so much that you don’t know how much and it’s kinda fun that you trust me, now you’re back, kisses - someone’’. 

Emmas eyes was full of tears that tropped one after one. She just bought a new sim-kard yesterday and the ’‘stalker’’ already got her number. After all she didn’t have any numbers and she didn’t give her number to anyone besides her stepsister. Emma oppened her phone and clicked at the number that called her. The number that called her wasn’t hidden and she called the phonenumber and hoped that someone would pick up. Emma looked up and suddenly she heard something that came from Patricias room. She went to Patricias room and took the phone. She ran down to the livingroom. Patrica looked terrified.

What, why are you crying? asked Patricia.
- Don't you supposed to know?
I don’t know anything.
I gues you know what this is? and Emma held up Patricias phone.
That my phone, your little b*tch give it to me.
No, I’m not gonna give it to you until you explain why you did this?
- I haven’t done anything, so bring my phone back.
- Your liar i know exacly what you did, you wrote those letters and threatened me.

Patricia looked down to the floor.

Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself? well if not, you should.
- Take a chillpill i won’t do that again, I’m sorry okay?
- That isn’t enough, did you know i actually sufferd, i was scared and i thought that someone was after me, but it showed that it was you! shouted Emma.
- Well, I’ve already said I’m sorry so give it back? 
- You know what, i blamed my best friend.
- I don’t care.
- I actually liked you as my sister, why did you do that?
- You had a perfect life, you had everything and i was lonley so i started to write those letters to you to hurt you so that you could feel my pain.
- So you was jeolus, if i took my life, what would you do?
But you didn’t, cause you standing right in front of me.
- I haven’t been uppset like this, no never and it’s because of you, you could just talked to me if you felt lonley? Emmas tears falls faster and faster.

- Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself? well if not, you should, said Emma.
- Take a chillpill i won’t do that again, I’m sorry okay?
- That isn’t enough, did you know i actually sufferd, i was scared and i thought that someone was after me, but it showed that it was you! shouted Emma.
- Well, I’ve already said I’m sorry so give it back? 
- You know what, i blamed my best friend.
- I don’t care.
- I actually liked you as my sister, why did you do that?
- You had a perfect life, you had everything and i was lonely so i started to write those letters to you to hurt you so that you could feel my pain.
- So you was jealous, if i took my life, what would you do?
- But you didn’t, cause you standing right in front of me.
- I haven’t been upset like this, no never and it’s because of you, you could just talked to me if you felt lonely? Emmas tears falls faster and faster.

Emma stared at Patricia who looked down to the floor. 

- Don't you see that I'm crying, that I'm really hurt?
I won’t do this again, just don’t tell my dad or your mom.
- I’m gonna live, remeber and bear your words and texts as a scar for the rest of my life. Hope you enjoy it now?
- Please stop, even if i hate you i promies to not do this again, so please forgive me?
- Why should i?

Emma ran out from the house and Patricia chased after her. 

- Please Emma, seriously stop now.
- Why? yelled Emma when she ran.
- Please stop, i didn’t know that it would turn out this bad.
- bad? you kidding me?
- no, i don’t please stop!

Emma couldn’t se. Her eyes was blurred of all her tears. She stopped and turned around. 4 meters away stood Patricia who also cried.

Watch out! screamed Patricia. 

Emma looked in front of her. She saw the car, the car couldn’t stop. And she Screamed. Patricia cried and Emma was dead.

fredag 25 oktober 2013

Diabetes typ 1

Diabetes typ 1 är en sjukdom som tidigare kallats sockersjukan. Eftersom att sjukdomen drabbar unga så brukar sjukdomen oftast kallas för barn- och ungdoms diabetes. Diabetes typ 1 är ärftligt och går ej att bota. För flickor märks ofta att man har diabetes när man är 10-12 år gammal och för pojkar märks det i 12-14 åldern. 

Orsaken till att man får diabetes är för att man har för mycket socker i blodet därför att kroppen slutat tillverka insulin. När man äter mat som innehåller kolhydrater så bryts kolhydraterna sedan ner till socker i tarmen och tas upp därifrån upp i blodet. Men sockermolekylerna kan inte passera cellväggarna ifall det inte finns insulin, insulin är nästan som en nyckel till cellväggen. Och ifall sockret stannar kvar i blodet får kroppen för lite energi. 

Det är vanligt att man har haft en infektion i kroppen precis innan sjukdomen bryter ut. Symptomen till att man har diabetes är;

*Att ifall man behöver kissa ofta och mycket
*Att man blir väldigt törstig 
*Att man mår illa och är ovanligt trött
*Ifall man har ont i magen
*Ifall man luktar aceton ut munnen
*Ifall man ser suddigt och går snabbt ner i vikt

Ifall man inte tar insulin får inte kroppen energi och då kan man svimma. Oftast tar man insulin en gång per dygn. Man tar insulin med sprutor eller insulinpump. Flera gånger i vecka får man gå på kontroll hos sin doktor, diabetessköterska eller diabetesteam för att kolla blodsockret. 

För att minska risken för att få diabetes ska man äta rätt mat i rätt mängd, gärna följa tallriksmodellen. Motion är också bra. Man ska också ta tillräckligt med insulindoser.