tisdag 12 februari 2013


Creative connector and wordfinder

Creative connector:

In page 23, the first page of chapter 5 ’‘Glo’’. If you go to that page they show that Mel actually are wearing makeup. The page says ’‘By the time I’m out of the shower and putting on my makeup, slowly and carfully, enjoying the way my face is transformed, I feel really good’’. 

Some teenagers put on some makeup every day. Maybe not every day but when it is school or when they are going out with friends. When the school is closed i feel like my life is so much easier, because i don’t need to have on makeup. And when the school start it feels like ’’NO, I am to lazy or i don’t wanna wear makeup, but what are my friends and the whole school gonna think about me? that I am ugly?’’. I understand that people really like to wear makeup. I also understand why, it is because they want to look great. But every teenager are beautiful how they look. It dosen’t matter if they have makeup or not. Some Teenagers start to put on makeup because of bullies. But it dosen’t have to be just that reason it can be some many other reasons for that. Maybe the bullies trade you like a geek. But i have a kind of feeling that the bullies thinks that they are ugly to, that’s why they maybe started with makeup. 


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